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"I found I could say things with color and shapes that I couldn't say any other way - things I had no words for."        

                                                                    Georgia O'Keeffe

I started my creative journey in France where I was born. I grow up in a Parisian suburban town called Savigny Sur Orge. I cannot remember a time where I was not involved in some form of creative endeavor: building with sand, or clay, drawing, cooking, shaping, melting, sewing, playing. It is still the case today in most aspects of my life.


I started to learn about glass shortly after I moved to the States, discovering the art of Mosaics.  I created objects and custom onsite work for clients throughout new England.

My work was later featured on the set of Oregon Public Broadcast 's TV show Art Beat. (OPB's Emmy Award-winning local Arts series).

I transitioned the kiln formed techniques shortly after moving to Portland OR.  This technique allows me to create more functional work focusing on clean lines, more fluidity, and a strong color focus.


The addition of felt into my work is really exciting to me as I see the potential for the 2 materials to complete each other, despite their opposite nature. The result are the decorative hanging wall panels.

I hope you will enjoy the work as much as enjoyed creating it.

Thanks for the visit,               Geraldine



Felt: a non-woven textile produced by matting, condensing, and pressing fibers together. 

I like to use merino wool felt for its softness, body, and colors variety. 


Glass: Solid that possesses a non-crystalline (that is, amorphous) structure at the atomic-scale and that exhibits a glass transition when heated towards the liquid state. I use Bullseye glass for all my glass work for its wide color palette and excellent reliability.  It is a "soft" glass, composed of borax, sand, soda ash, lime, as well as Mineral oxides to impart color.


Casting (glass): The poor or melt of the raw material in a mold at temperatures above 1500 degrees F. The panels are created with this method.


Kiln Formed Glass: The technique by which glass is fused together to melt as a homogeneous mass or bend. It's achieved in a kiln at temperatures above 1200 degrees. 



geraldinemakes, geraldine gladden, Felt, artwork, craft, glass and felt, Felt and glass, panels, felt panels, cast glass, contemporary, felt jewelry, glass cuffs,

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